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Structure and cooperation

How are the organisations KKeV Aachen, KKEV Cambodia and EUC (Empower Underprivileged Children) connected?

Royal Palace Moonlight Pavilion.jpeg
  • The German organisation Kinderhilfe Kambodscha e.V. (KKe.V.) Aachen was founded in 2004 by Michael Weiss. 

  • In the same year, Michael Weiss acquired land in Phnom Penh to build the children's village.  

  • KKEV Cambodia is the local partner and sister organisation in Cambodia. KKEV Cambodia is recognised as an international non-governmental organisation, employs only local staff and runs both facilities, the Children's Village and the street children's programme, under the management of an experienced and well-coordinated team. 

  • The Empower Underprivileged Children (EUC) association was founded in December 2022 by Dr Claudia Suessmuth Dyckerhoff, Vice Chairwoman of KKe.V. Aachen, who lives in Switzerland, together with her husband Dr Stephan Dyckerhoff and friends in Zurich, primarily to support KKEV Cambodia financially.

  • The local management team is responsible for the administration, organisation, budget, contact with the schools and teachers, the ministries and the local community and ensures the care and education of the children.  

  • The board of KKe.V. in Aachen coordinates the budget with the local team, secures funding through donations and supports the local team in an advisory capacity. The situation of the children (emotional, health, psychological), new or departing children, the learning and school situation, any changes in the local team, buildings and infrastructure, garden yields and animal husbandry as well as current and new projects are discussed in fortnightly meetings via Skype.  



You can find the EUC website here: Empower Underprivileged Children Association | Kinderdorf


+49 (0)241 413 444 67



Kinderhilfe Kambodscha eV Aachen
Bismarck Street 69
52066 Aachen


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