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Every donation helps and makes a difference
Since 2004, we have given hundreds of street children a home and access to education in our children's village in Phnom Penh.
KKEV is 100% donation-funded. If you would like to support our work, you will find our bank details on this page, along with the option to donate via PayPal.
If you can imagine donating regularly to the children of KKEV Cambodia, we would be happy to set up a standing order for you.
KKEV is a recognised non-profit organisation and is exempt from corporate and trade tax. Your donation is therefore tax deductible.
Please klick the donation button in order to help the children at Kinderhilfe Kambodscha Aachen e.V.
Or kindly use the following bank account:
Kinderhilfe Kambodscha e.V.
Deutsche Bank Aachen
IBAN: DE83 3907 0024 0199 5885 00
Thank you very much!
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