Help us to raise funds!

Do you have a reason to celebrate? Maybe a birthday, a children's birthday or an anniversary?
Why not ask your guests to participate in a fundraiser for the Kinderhilfe Kambodscha on your behalf! Within a few minutes, you can use this form to create a link that you can send directly with your invitation. Your guests can then choose whether they would like to make a donation in your name as a birthday fundraiser for the KKe.V.
This way, no one has to desperately search for a gift and you - or your child - can not only enjoy your party, but also help where help is really needed!
Please copy the URL of this page from your browser and paste it - maybe directly in your invitation - (via Email or Messenger Apps) to your guests, so that they can give for your birthday fundraiser!

Collect donations in the name of Children's Aid Cambodia at a sporting event, either alone or in a team with friends or colleagues.
A company run, the Berlin Marathon, a bike race, whatever your favourite sporting challenge might be!
Then find friends, colleagues or your employer, announce your sporting goal and ask for donations when you reach your goal – and you then ‘earn’ these donations for the benefit of Children's Aid Cambodia.
In doing so, you will not only be doing something good for yourself and your team, but also helping the children in the children's village!
Please copy the URL of this page from your browser and paste it - to send it electronically to your team members, colleagues and friends to start your fundraising event!
We very much appreciate it and are thrilled if you, your family or team get creative or active and are considering to create a fundraising event for the children that live in or are supported by KKe.V.!

Just collect donations – because giving and being there for others brings so much joy!
Do you fancy organising a bake sale?
Is there an event at your children's school that lends itself to collecting donations for a good cause?
Have you always wanted to start a lemonade stand for a good cause with your family?
Is it time to sell things you no longer need at the flea market? Do you want to organise an art opening or just a party?
You are welcome to get creative for the benefit of Children's Aid Cambodia and help support the basic needs of our children in the children's village.
We appreciate any amount!
Please copy the URL of this page from your browser and paste it - to add it to an invitation, email or Messanger App to your team members, colleagues and friends to start your fundraising event!